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Wireless Continues to Race in the Bush

Wireless Continues to Race in the Bush

Posted by Shara Evans in Press Releases 10 Sep 2006

Market Not Waiting for WiMAX


Sydney, AUSTRALIA — September 10, 2006: After falling slightly towards the end of 2005, the number of ISPs offering fixed wireless broadband as an access option has begun to surge again, according to research findings presented by Market Clarity CEO Shara Evans at the ACIF Future Wireless Forum in August.

After falling to below 100, there are now nearly 130 ISPs with wireless listed as an access option, Evans told the conference.

In Market Clarity’s update of the fixed wireless broadband access market, the company also found a continuing trend to deploy new fixed wireless broadband infrastructure in rural and regional locations. More than 83% of Wireless ISPs offer regional services, either because they have both metro and regional services, or because they have focused on regional services alone.

There are now 56% more wireless broadband infrastructure owners located outside metropolitan areas than there are in Australia’s cities.

This reflects several market conditions, Evans said. “In metropolitan areas, ISPs have wholesale wireless service options to choose from, which saves them the expense and effort of deploying their own infrastructure. In rural locations, an ISP may have no choice but to deploy its own fixed wireless services.

“However, as is the case with ADSL, we see a very strong concentration of fixed wireless access in the most populous states, with the largest number of infrastructure owners located in NSW and Queensland, both in metropolitan and regional markets.”

Setting the Scene for Wireless is a presentation-style report available now from the Market Clarity, for $495 plus GST.


About Market Clarity

Market Clarity is an award-winning telecommunications analyst firm founded in January 2006 by leading Australian telecommunications researcher and strategic consultant, Shara Evans. The firm covers all aspects of telecommunications, including traditional and converged services and technologies. Market Clarity’s extensive databases of technical and market information cover a wide range of facts and figures on the technologies and services that are shaping the Australian telecommunications market. Market Clarity’s GIS tools and research databases enable the correlation and presentation of highly complex information in an intuitive geographic (map) format.

Market Clarity’s insights are derived from a deep understanding of technology, coupled with comprehensive research, which examines each segment of a service’s value chain as well as underlying population demographics. By leveraging its engineering knowledge with an ongoing primary research program, Market Clarity provides insight, intelligence and advice on all aspects of the Australian telecommunications market including traditional, converged and future technologies. Market Clarity’s unparalleled market knowledge and research databases are brought to all consulting engagements.

Market Clarity’s contribution to telecommunications in Australia was recognised by the telecommunications industry’s peak body, the Communications Alliance, which awarded the company its 2007 ACOMMS award for Services to the Industry – Professional Services.

Market Clarity is headquartered in Sydney, Australia.